
In Metallic Descent, you play as a mining robot whose objective is to descend as low into the mines as possible. To begin your journey, interact with the robot on the starting level.

On each floor, fend off monsters until you obtain a key that will allow you to progress to the next floor by entering the hatch while simultaneously mining for gems.  The key is indicated by an outline in the ui, and it will fill once you obtain the key. While mining gems, make sure the cursor/crosshair is aimed directly on the ore and the cursor is weird when you're not on fullscreen.

Every 5 levels there is a shop where you can purchase upgrades using the gems you mine. If you upgrade your pickaxe enough, it becomes a drill. 

Make sure to play  out the game until death to save your score on the online leaderboard. If you can't see the leaderboard, try reloading the page.


Movement: w/s/a/d or arrow keys

Attack/Mine:  left click

Interact: right click


Programming: Murder_ben

Art: Becazz

Sound: Marco Santos Music


Leaderboard: Silent Wolf

Font:  Minecraft  by Craftron Gaming

Sound Effects: Cash Register(Kaching) and Error from Pixabay

This is only my second game  so any advice on updates to add for the last week would be appreciated.


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Hello! Congrats on the game :D

A bit late with the feedback, but hope this helps:

  • The parallax is well done!  - one thing I would add is to blur it a bit so it reads as background, makes it less distracting
  • Hitting enemies locks the player in place and the combat feels quite choppy... enemies become very hard to hit and the bullets that follow you feel unfair
  • The UI elements are spread out and kind of blend in with the scene - especially the life bar. Maybe make them stand out with  a white outline and gather them up top?
  • The sound effects are really nice and the art has a charm to it, well done!

As with all game jams, there's limited time and not all makes it in the final cut. So big props for being able to finish the game!